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Showing posts from 2023

EXPRESSION (The Corporate Jungle continues.....)

 Speaking Loud is an expression and remaining silent is inihibition?  But actions speak more than words. To prove yourself you don't need to make some noise loud it's just that you have to be patient and let your work speak. Success will always choose the best and if you are the best and better than the rest then why to vex.  Silence and patience are wonderful virtues to build up a calm and pleasant personality, always remember those who shout don't mean it neither in words nor actions. its just their vocal ability that brings in a feature of pretence.  Raising voice and lowering the demeanor  to satiate your ego should not be the trick rather choose your words for others to learn and pick. Your character is your pride but if  you break down just to get down to a cynical mindset, the pride is just crushed ice. The real status of who you are unveils swiftly and very few get along with you.  In the city of conditional valor every conversation turns into ...