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25-2-35 - A toast to the decade of an experiential Transformation.


From Twenty Five to Thirty Five

All that happened was part of Life.

Experiences that gave lessons

 not to be forgotten ,

But kept in mind.

From Twenty Five to Thirty Five

All that happened was part of Life.

At Twenty Five 

began the journey of being a wife,

It was all about vegetables and the knife

All the art was lost to learn those cookingskills

Which raised the LPG bills.

Twenty Six was full of flicks,

A new being in hand

Felt like only heaven and no land.

Twenty Seven was a shocking flight,

With pretentions confronted every night.

Twenty Eight brought in some light,

With the hope of "everything will be alright".

From Twenty Five to Thirty Five

All that happened was part of Life.

What a disaster was Twenty Nine,

 full of struggle

for what was never mine.

The pretentious got shattered 

The ravenous no more mattered.

The light glown at Twenty Eight, 

brightened to make the picture clear and straight.

With all that Grace and head held high,

With those never ending deep sighs,

Stepped out of the Race.

Moving away with precious assets,

Was like entering a new bracket.

From Twenty Five to Thirty Five

All that happened was part of Life.

Thirty was quite alive

Though carrying the shadows of past five.

Could at least feel my breathe in the air,

Unleashing life layer by layer.

No wonder the world was same,

Change was near,  I was insane.

Thirty one had so much in-store

Responsibilities, confidence and much more.

The exuberance got diminished with events around, 

but the Faith was no less than a reassurance of

what goes around comes around.

At Thirty Two, began the exploration,

Which lead to self realisation.

An analysis of strengths and limitations

Was enough to let go the reminitions.

From Twenty Five to Thirty Five

All that happened was part of Life

The all time dream to earn and spend

Was now to comprehend.

It was all about feeling Young and Free,

Which could only be at Thirty Three.

Not to compare, with the counterparts,

All the career lags disappeared from the mind and heart.

Satiated, without the greed of more

Had enough chances to score.

Now it was Thirty Four.

From Twenty Five to Thirty Five

All that happened was part of Life

Pouring heart out with a clear distinction

For a much awaited completion

A month to go as I write,

In another thirty days, turning Thirty Five.

The journey has been a rollercoaster ride

With heartbeats low and high.

No complaint, No grudge

As it's been handled by the best judge.

--Building new ways of life as I learn that,

From Twenty Five to Thirty Five

All that happened was part of Life.


SHASH_24 said…
Well written..
25 - 35, brought realization on how small things matter more than the larger things in life. To be able to live in the moment, is what I would crave to learn in 35 - 45.

Aditi Bajaj said…
Thank you! And that's a nice thought.
Ashish Bajaj said…
Very good Aditi
Some words bounced as it seems you are also a shashi tharoor Fan.
Required dictionary to understand meaning few words
But overall its a nice dipiction of life.
Keep it up our family shashi tharoor
Aditi Bajaj said…
Thank you so much 😊
Do share those difficult words with me too. Will try simplifying next time

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