The Ruckus inside you is so palpitating that it makes you indifferent and unable to be upset or excited. You don't know what to do, where to go and how to dispose your ownself.
In such a situation you become detached from the Universe and feel as if in a blackhole. A hole created by your own thoughts to make you feel the way you want to be in that moment.
This blackhole has numerous facets varying from formal to casual. On the way it introduces you to your variable self. The self which wishes to be THIS but has to be THAT and actually comes out to be neither THIS nor THAT.
For some it is a situation.
For others it is an affliction.
When a deadly wish is
no less than a waterless fish,
For a while there seems no hope
And you feel like a dope.
Get up with your head held high
Don't fear of any more tides.
Tides would push you down
Tides will pull you out.
Just learn to swim
So as to fulfill your whims
Fancy the path of tranquility,
Bring out the fear and terror
Strip off the Ruckus
Believe it or not!
Today is still young and free
Why to hurry for tomorrow?
Till now its not grown
on your life's tree.
Love someone
Share your spirit
Go on a shopping spree
Have some chocolates
And some icecreams
Stand out of the crowd
And shout out loud
Step up make an effort
Mend those crooks
Or Read a book
Talk to a friend
To make new ends
Call your Mom
waiting at Home
Believe it or not!
Today is still young and free
Why to hurry for tomorrow?
Till now its not grown
on your life's tree.
Let down the textbooks
Go up with some comics
That brings out the atomic
Go out for a walk,
Let the nature talk.
Clean that dusty bike,
Once you wanted to ride.
Don't speculate ,
Just meditate , Make a prayer
For the forayer( you/yourself).
Don't judge or compare,
Be kind and grateful,
For you are here.
Choose what's right,
Bring in some pride,
Some inner peace,
For yourself to be pleased.
Ask for God's will,
Make all your wishes,
To take you up the hill.
Just strip off the Ruckus,
It's just like the mildew
On a tree.
Believe it or not!
In such a situation you become detached from the Universe and feel as if in a blackhole. A hole created by your own thoughts to make you feel the way you want to be in that moment.
This blackhole has numerous facets varying from formal to casual. On the way it introduces you to your variable self. The self which wishes to be THIS but has to be THAT and actually comes out to be neither THIS nor THAT.
For some it is a situation.
For others it is an affliction.
When a deadly wish is
no less than a waterless fish,
For a while there seems no hope
And you feel like a dope.
Get up with your head held high
Don't fear of any more tides.
Tides would push you down
Tides will pull you out.
Just learn to swim
So as to fulfill your whims
Fancy the path of tranquility,
Bring out the fear and terror
Strip off the Ruckus
Believe it or not!
Today is still young and free
Why to hurry for tomorrow?
Till now its not grown
on your life's tree.
Love someone
Share your spirit
Go on a shopping spree
Have some chocolates
And some icecreams
Stand out of the crowd
And shout out loud
Step up make an effort
Mend those crooks
Or Read a book
Talk to a friend
To make new ends
Call your Mom
waiting at Home
Believe it or not!
Today is still young and free
Why to hurry for tomorrow?
Till now its not grown
on your life's tree.
Let down the textbooks
Go up with some comics
That brings out the atomic
Go out for a walk,
Let the nature talk.
Clean that dusty bike,
Once you wanted to ride.
Don't speculate ,
Just meditate , Make a prayer
For the forayer( you/yourself).
Don't judge or compare,
Be kind and grateful,
For you are here.
Choose what's right,
Bring in some pride,
Some inner peace,
For yourself to be pleased.
Ask for God's will,
Make all your wishes,
To take you up the hill.
Just strip off the Ruckus,
It's just like the mildew
On a tree.
Believe it or not!
TODAY is still YOUNG and FREE.
Even if you are 24x7 in this situation Bring your best self to every encounter so that the other person walks away with a smile. Do what you love and love what you do bring in some happiness, joy, playfulness, non-seriousness and the moment where you love what you are doing.
Happiness is actually within, it's always available and never on sale. So value your happiness and make it your highest value.
Even if you are 24x7 in this situation Bring your best self to every encounter so that the other person walks away with a smile. Do what you love and love what you do bring in some happiness, joy, playfulness, non-seriousness and the moment where you love what you are doing.
Happiness is actually within, it's always available and never on sale. So value your happiness and make it your highest value.