This piece involves lot of experiences, incidents, aquaintances, thoughts, perceptions, few anecdotes, and much more that's beyond explanation but close to innervation.
Woman as we all know, scientifically is an adult human female who prevails on every mind as an object of contemplation but still is deemed a social cripple.
Lately I got to attend quite a few events themed on Women Empowerment, during which I had a chance to meet Women from diverse spheres. Some who actually have been laboring conscientiously overcoming the highest of barriers to establish themselves adding to family livelihood and some who wanted their contentless purr to be heard and easily grab attention (eventually becoming a public figure).
The label Women Empowerment in modern urbanity encompasses a battle of the Colossal Women. Majority of who possess either colassal amount of money and tend to show morality by one's actions, especially by actions that exploit the scruples of others.
Let's have a look at the variety-:
- She is smart, educated, well featured, dressed and actually quintessential. At her office desk, she is a boss, with her friends she is herself, at home she is a blessing. Independent, aspiring to be boundless, looking for love in her own self and making enough money to manage survival and enjoy luxuries of life at her whim and fancy.
- She was sitting on a rickshaw holding a baby up to her shoulder, besides her was a grey haired woman sitting evasively. The rickshaw puller in style was trying his best to outstrip the wind inspite of the crowded street right in the interiors of the city. The thin, fair and shorthieghted girl who recently turned into a lady was busy managing herself and the baby amidst the shaky, zigzagging moves of the rickshaw, thinking of the jobs to be done soon after she steps back home. Her facial expressions were a mix of fear, indemnity, heartbeat was part of a marathon and she kept pacifying herself with the distance left to be covered.
- She was beaten, rugged, debilitated and what not, still she remained what she was, didn't protest or revolt. Why?Did sacraments of her religion pushed her into bearing atrocities....Or it was patience that led her to suffering.Or was she waiting for some warmth to come by the end of suffering.
- She didn't care about the religion rites anymore and went on to follow her heart, breaking stereotypes, despising the googly-eyed world around.
- You name it and She has it in her pocket from clothes to shoes , accessories makeup. All that is of no value because she is still lost in the thoughts of that one man who took her heart and never turned back. Her ambitions, choices, likes, dislikes, conscious and subconscious all has been immaterial since then.
- She had her desires fulfilled by her parents, enjoyed life to the best she could. Now it came to return for the favours bestowed on her since childhood till being an adult. Unaware/unthoughtful of the fact that one day she will have to pay a price for all the she has taken pleasures in. Gained knowledge, was wise but emotional; had to make a choice for lifetime. The choice was difficult - all her efforts towards becoming a better individual would go in vain along with a heartbreak. What's the price - leave aside what you want just follow what is said and she followed very well as she was made felt that , that's what s right for her.
- She is married to a gentleman who promised to be the best man she could ever find. She has a small happy family. Her skill set was magnanimous, the dexterity inbound was always aspiring to flip. She anticipated the right moment to throw light on herself apart from her self set priorities. Although there were no barriers to her path it was all self-made taking into consideration her gender.
- She faced a similar circumstance as the one above but had the courage or made the effort of raising her voice for her ownself , prioritising what SHE wanted and trying to pay the price in exactly the similar manner as she was comforted with during her journey from childhood to an adult. She made choices, decisions for herself not allowing any other being to control her. Definitely, she married the man of her dreams and is happy without regrets for her choices.
- At the peak of her career, she delivered her first baby, she realised an unwanted change , a change that was actually not thought of but eventually had to happen.
- Now again was a time to make a choice and this time she chooses to take a break and nurture her child. There were talks around, suggestions of various day cares available, importance and ways to manage work, home and life balance, above all the stupendous amount she was earning.Audaciously, she supported herself for her decision against all odds and went on to take care of the new being. Now when he is school going she taking advantage of her previous experience as well as xonnections, started work from home. This relieved her from the postpartum depression and anxieties.
- She is elite, queen of the house , comforted with hautemonde, but doesn't want to stay at home, wishes to live out of the abode But enjoy the feeling of possessing it. The glamour she enjoys needs to be shown off to the vicinity she hangs out in. She has a constant contentless purr that can't go unheard harming her egotism, so she has to grab attention to strengthen the persona she carries.
There is this one also whose actually happy in her place where she is , trying to bring a small change when and wherever she can without getting g noticed or recognized.
Few come out with ideas to bring these varied forms as a deal /effort towards changing social mindset without realising that they too are part of the same. Bringing forth the term Women Empowerment into picture helps them create a stand /establishment for themselves and no one.
Why women don't realise that they are the powerhouse themselseves...Their ideas, aspirations, desires, work need no approval, what it needs is an effort to accomplish oneself.
Empowerment is actually required in the rural households, which is literally suffering from weaknesses , eagerly waiting for someone to cast a magic spell and change lives....Lives that need light, light of wisdom, cognition and affection.
Few words of encouragement would do wonders as compared to the massive collection of trophies, momentos, decors, gifts etc.etc. supplies used during the Cliché "Women Empowerment Events" which actually go useless as soon as the celebration is over.
The spark inside needs an ignition but why uselessly being dogmatic can only ignite that spark. Urbanes have made it a trend -that their is a need to be empowered where's there is actually a need to be wise rather than being dogmatic. Individuality matters but at the cost of disturbing/irritating the mass.
Causing a polluting effect in time and space, socially, mentally, emotionally, steadily physically too.
People specifically working towards women empowerment please drop out the pomp and show and Try to understand clearly , I say so because you are not unaware of the fact that which women actually need empowerment, not the greedy ones but the needy. Those which are lost in darkness of their headscarf.
The ones celebrating the power of an already established powerhouse try get together as a team to transmit some watts to the unlighted abodes and illuminate the sources transforming them into powerful resources.