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Showing posts from February, 2021

The Corporate Jungle

      Are you ready for the year which is already set in place with new challenges even before you step out to take a stint towards it . Today’s Corporate world is very similar to the JUNGLE in many ways.  The jungle has it all, it has the vision, the focus, the aggression, the power, the perseverance, the swiftness, the size and above all the leadership .   There is no room for the weaklings,  no matter what you do you need to be not only  fast but real fast to jump up the career ladder.  You need to chase the targets and meet the deadlines take on the competition head on because size does not matter always but team work does. You will get to see the clash of the titans, mergers, acquisitions, amalgamations but you always have to be alert and grab the opportunity.  Take a pause and give it a thought what do u want to do in this Corporate Jungle. You wanna be successful !     You wanna be better than the rest  or  You...