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Showing posts from August, 2019


Escapism as defined by different word power sources is  the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy. Escapism is not running away from the distress, it's just finding ways to remain stressfree as well as rigid, content and continuous all through the path of life. It lessens the turbidity and helps the tainted soul att ain some freshness. Human nature is always demanding something new to happen every moment so as to keep flavoring the dish called life. For a teacher For a student For a businessman For a housewife For a loner For a youngster For a lost lover And for all of us here on this earth embraces in the viscious circle of life and death there are different ways to create fantasy out of the's not about quitting, it's about bringing in a change. A change that can make you feel rejuvenated, relaxed, entertained and pleasant.  I started writing this post (on 28 J...