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The PHASES faced !  *I  was beautiful before I met you, You took away a part of me which initiated a traffic on the road from the  mind and heart to the soul. It has polluted the bodies that want to exist much more. Turning blues to red, Waiting to be dead, flat on the bed. Set of 206 bones covered with some flesh, Innately afresh, is now no less than a mess.... still trying to make the best. * The bliss of getting sun-kissed in the days which mark the onset of autumn is incomparable. It brings in so much relief by rattling the warm winds away. That morning when I drove off speedily to reach in time, it was that kiss which pacified my anxiety giving a feeling that Life's Good and there's loads of positivity around. * There have been days without work, there have been days full of untitled and unwanted work. Getting something when you desire is luck but getting it after the feeling of desire gets supressed as well as the need is no longer needed has been. ...


This piece involves lot of experiences, incidents, aquaintances, thoughts, perceptions, few anecdotes, and much more that's beyond explanation but close to innervation. Woman as we all know, scientifically is  an adult human female who prevails on every mind as an object of contemplation but still is deemed a social cripple. Lately I got to attend quite a few events themed on Women Empowerment, during which I had a chance to meet Women from diverse spheres. Some who actually have been laboring conscientiously overcoming the highest of barriers to establish themselves adding to family livelihood and some who wanted their contentless purr to be heard and easily grab attention (eventually becoming a public figure). The label Women Empowerment in  modern urbanity encompasses a battle of the Colossal Women.  Majority of who possess either colassal amount of money and tend to show morality by one's actions, especially by actions that exploit the s...


Escapism as defined by different word power sources is  the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy. Escapism is not running away from the distress, it's just finding ways to remain stressfree as well as rigid, content and continuous all through the path of life. It lessens the turbidity and helps the tainted soul att ain some freshness. Human nature is always demanding something new to happen every moment so as to keep flavoring the dish called life. For a teacher For a student For a businessman For a housewife For a loner For a youngster For a lost lover And for all of us here on this earth embraces in the viscious circle of life and death there are different ways to create fantasy out of the's not about quitting, it's about bringing in a change. A change that can make you feel rejuvenated, relaxed, entertained and pleasant.  I started writing this post (on 28 J...


The Ruckus inside you is so palpitating that it makes you indifferent and unable to be upset or excited. You don't know what to do, where to go and how to dispose your ownself. In such a situation you become detached from the Universe and feel as if in a blackhole. A hole created by your own thoughts to make you feel the way you want to be in that moment. This blackhole has numerous facets varying from formal to casual. On the way it introduces you to your variable self. The self which wishes to be THIS but has to be THAT and actually comes out to be neither THIS nor THAT. For some it is a situation. For others it is an affliction. When a deadly wish is no less than a waterless fish, For a while there seems no hope And you feel like a dope. Get up with your head held high Don't fear of any more tides. Tides would push you down Tides will pull you out. Just learn to swim So as to fulfill your whims Fancy the path of tranquility, Bring out the fear and...

Tryst with myself

A blooming bud, whose each petal aspiring to get released from the rosette club,preparing to blossom and transform into a beautiful flower groomed with a niche fragrance, had an encounter with bumblebees. Countless buds turn into flowers everyday unexceptionally but have you ever thought of a flower aspiring to be a bud again..... But this flower had a contemplation of having a TRYST with the Past(BUD) because now it  discerns itself as dreary, arid and banal as seemingly for it all its nectar has been guzzled by lecherous bumblebees. It feels heartbroken, enduring in the same garden with the same soil with nowhere else to go. Unlike others who have been plucked and attenuated to be used for varied reasons (gifting, decor, worship, scent......) Reminiscing the days when it was protected in the tiny rosettes covered by the whorl of sepals, it felt comfortable and loved but as the other stages of development came into picture the sensation of exile emerged. The exile from ...

Janus - the double faced

Janus - The (Roman)  god  of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways,  passages, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces, since he looks to the future and to the past , abodes  at the limits of Earth, at the extremity of Heaven. How interesting it is to know this! I believe this Janus resides somewhere in all of us and we are meant to be like this to keep the cycle of rage and serenity rotating.  At times there is a sudden fit of rage that vaguely overwhelms the abundance of affection and leaves you in the middle of nowhere. In the following moments as the fire cools down the second face that of self-realization can be seen clearly in the remains. But is it self realization or what we call guilt, now that depends on the soul of this Janus. Guilt will keep pinching you till you don't make it for the destruction caused and self-realization will purify the air around you clearing all the pollution in and outside the body. It'...